Spring Kickoff
Calling all UT Dallas students: come learn about opportunities for you to get involved in Comet Robotics!
January 29th, 2025, 7:00PMWhere
Sciences Building: SCI 1.220What's Kickoff?
Kickoff marks our official start to the school year, and is the best place to be if you're interested in being a part of Comet Robotics. From writing software and building mechanisms for robots, to creating content for socials and helping with club logistics, there's a place for you here!
Why should I come?
During Kickoff, you'll...
- learn about the club's projects and how you can get involved
- meet current club members and leadership
- watch some awesome robots in action
Wait, Free Stuff?
Of course! You'll be able to get free pizza at Kickoff, and more to be announced at the event :) Register below to let us know you'll be there, and help us make sure we have enough product to give out!
Interested in getting involved in a project team? Come to a meeting and talk to a project manager or officer about how you can join. Our general meetings are on Mondays at 7pm* at the UTDesign Makerspace.